Sunday, March 29, 2009

Calling All Brides

Please be sure to check out my friend Danyelle's wedding blog at for a chance to win a free bracelet and 20% coupon for my Premier Designs jewelry. She has posted a great topic on costume jewelry versus high fashion jewelry for your wedding. Thanks Danyelle!


  1. Greetings from PA!!
    Pretty nice page you have set up here. I am checking in from Danyelle's blog "from my wedding to yours".

  2. Hey! Cheryl figured out how to leave a comment!!! How awesome! :)

    Laura, thanks for mentioning my post on your blog. And thank you so much for hosting the contest prize.

  3. I popped over here from Danyelle's blog. Great jewelry!

  4. Hey! I came from Danyelle's blog. I am a bit clumsy with jewlery. Maybe I will learn something from you!

  5. I just came from Danyelle's Blog and you have some beautiful pieces of Jewelry. Thanks for sharing.

  6. You blog is awesome Laura! I need some serious help on the jewelry side of things. I tend not to wear any, or just the same old things.

    I'll be back!

    But today I came because my friend Danyelle is offering to give away one of your gorgeous bracelets! I came from My Wedding To Yours. Great info there! It's cool you guys are working together to help brides have an awesome day!

  7. Hi Laura,

    Great name! I am stopping by as another one of Danyelle's fans. Glad to see your site, too. Thanks for making the world a more beautiful place!
